Marty unleashes his battle-cry (or is it a leg cramp?)
What is the best place to visit after learning about digestion? The Land of Gastros, of course. Work is moving forward on scene 11. Jon Gormely has been nice enough to lend his voice to two digestion-based characters, Freddy Foodstuff and the heroic Dr. Enzyme. I completed the initial editing of the scene a few minutes ago. Compositing and animation begins shortly. Mr. Meat better watch out!

An early look at the Land of Gastros

I have been putting together a short children’s program for a few months now called “The Many Maladies of Marty Mitchell.” It’s an educational show about a young boy who lives in a land of illustrations and animated creatures. He constantly causes problems and has to remedy them, learning along the way. I’m creating a short (~15 min.) test/pilot I intend to shop around. The last few months have included writing, boarding, scheduling, and all of the other aspects of preproduction for a tiny no-budget short.
Last weekend, we finally shot it. With help from a few friends, we converted my living room and loft into a greenscreen studio. Erika’s nephew played the main role and we spent Saturday shooting. Luckily I was able to borrow a quality camera and a few P2 cards. The crew donated their time, as did the actors.
Steps left:
voice acting, illustrating, animating, editing, keying, compositing, scoring, outputting
I’m hoping to have it ready some time this summer.
Here’s to many more low-budget productions throughout the year.
Many thanks to all who have helped and will help.
I hope I am a tolerable director/producer.
Living Room Before and After Below: